The names have changed. The need for change has not..
"Hands Up, Don't shoot! Hands Up! Don't shoot"
Look up.
Eye In The Sky.
black women
The names have changed. The need for change has not..
"Hands Up, Don't shoot! Hands Up! Don't shoot"
Look up.
Eye In The Sky.
Montreal, 2015.
Montreal, 2015.
Stacy, Montreal.
Soukena Roussi. April 2015
Test Portraits 2, Imani.
Test Portraits 1, Imani.
Candid snaps with a new toy.
Sophia Domeville.
Old days portraits.
Guerrilla Shooters.
Erica of a-thrill
Alright! New Work, New Website, New Me. Ok, well really its still the same me. But I have updated my website and added some new work. Additional series and projects are in the pipeline for the near future. Take a look.
Reach out to me for more information or inquiries. Let’s make things happen.
Vibrations Part II
Black Girl Fly.