The names have changed. The need for change has not..
"Hands Up, Don't shoot! Hands Up! Don't shoot"
Look up.
Eye In The Sky.
black man
The names have changed. The need for change has not..
"Hands Up, Don't shoot! Hands Up! Don't shoot"
Look up.
Eye In The Sky.
East New York, Brooklyn.
At the end of the roll, Self Portrait in Montreal.
Also, keep an eye out for more information and content from this trip and future happenings from The Society very soon.
Self Portrait. Montreal, 2015.
Karston Ellis. #ShootFilm
Self Portrait, 2013.
I shot this about two weeks ago, but it felt particularly relevant considering the events of this past week. We are forced to evaluate how the Black Man views America, and how America views the Black Man. Will it always feel like two nations? Is each blinded to the other’s perspective? Whatever your opinion in the discussion, this discussion must continue for the betterment of all.