There's a lot of craziness in the world right now, particularly regarding the Black Body. Never lose yourself.
I’m raw. I’m rugged and raw. I repeat, if I die, my seed will be ill like me.
Out Of The Mouth of Babes
Candid snaps with a new toy.
In Bloom.
Walking on the sands of time into a new year.
Went exploring the abandoned wing of the Creedmore Psychiatric Center. Creepy portraits ensued.
Shot some stuff with the singer I/O, more stuff from both of us coming soon. Stay on the lookout.
Check him out at
Self Portrait.
Portraits. #Mashmeet
Waiting for you to break, make your first mistake.
Brooklyn Nature, Part II.
Brooklyn’s Nature. Part I
Ian Bentley, Coney Island 2014.
Had the pleasure of meeting and taking a portrait of Fabian Palencia. #Mashmeet
The David Keller working at the #mashmeet yesterday in Coney. Great times getting to shoot in a new environment and meet some new folks. Time line flood begins now.